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Soar Into 2024: Be A Disruptor

by Jan 2, 2024Discovering Your Purpose, Intention, Personal Growth, Self mastery

Soar Into 2024: Be A Disruptor

Happy New Year!  I don’t know about you, but time seems to be accelerating in my world.  As I was doing my year end spiritual practice, I really thought about how I wanted to enter 2024.  The word soar came to mind, and I began to reflect on what that meant for me. I began to look at my life and it became clear that I have always been a disruptor.  Let me tell you what I mean by that.  A disruptor is a person or thing that prevents something, especially a system, process, or event, from continuing as usual or as expected.

We have all witnessed disruptors that have been successful. Picasso, Van Gogh, Oprah Winfrey, Taylor Swift, Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Elon Musk, Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Ghandi, Steven Spielberg, Margaret Thatcher, Jeff Besos, Malcom X, Steve Jobs and so many more.

As a disruptor in my life, I have challenged the status quo, fought for my right to be me, dared to challenge my comfort zones, and risked everything to become who I have come here to be.

I would love to tell you that I had a specific formula, but I didn’t.  What I had was a vision of what I wanted and how I wanted to express.  All disruptors have that in common.  So, this month, I want to share with you how disruptors become successful change agents.

If you are ready to take a leap of faith and step into your full blown destiny…….

How Do Disruptors Live Their Lives?

How Do Disruptors Live Their Lives?

A disruptor is typically characterized by behaviors, attributes, or qualities that challenge the status quo and shake up traditional ways.  It is important to note that disruptors can emerge from various fields, including technology, business, healthcare, music, art, theatre, and politics. No matter where they come from or how they grew up they play a crucial role in driving progress and pushing boundaries in their respective domains.

I have been reading a lot of memoirs lately and looking at documentaries of people that inspire me.  In the last couple of months, I have read books by Viola Davis, Cicely Tyson, Barbra Streisand, and Prince Harry. Documentaries and specials included Jon Baptiste, Beyonce, Trevor Noah, Nyad, and Harry and Meghan.  Whether you like them or not….Every single person I just named is/was a disruptor.   

Here are things that I found to be true with each person.  They all exemplified the following:

1. Feel the fear and stand in faith that what they are creating is real.

2. Don’t be jealous of anything or anyone/ be yourself.

3. Push against what people expect them to be.

4. Create exchanges of human interaction, love and connection.

5. Go to what they want to see happen instead of what they afraid of.

6. Reject being afraid of pressure.

7. Their passion leads to joy.

8. Don’t let the world define them or their visions.

Make no mistake that they came upon challenges, obstacles, and naysayers pushing against their soul calls.  Make no mistake that they had to hold the line of their visions against systems that wanted to make them conform.

They also were unwavering in honing their skills and crafts.  They were adamant that they had to be prepared when the portals of opportunity opened.  Once they stepped through those gateways accepting “no” was not going to happen.

How Disruptors Create Success

How Disruptors Create SuccessGrowing up, I really wish I had some of the information that I’m about to share with you. Being a disruptor, got me into trouble, created doubt within me, and established an “invisibility syndrome” that fluctuated in and out of my life.  There was no one to tell me that my personality was part of the innovative process.  If you read my book, “Does My Voice Matter” you will see how challenging it was for me to find my voice and shine my light.

Being a disruptor involves making intentional, positive changes while considering the broader impact on individuals, society, and the environment.  Here are steps that can move you into the field of being a conscious disruptor and honoring your gifts.

  • Connect To Your Inner Child – Re-connect to that part of yourself that wanted to play, run, express, and create.  That part always knew the powerful you!
  • Clarity of Vision – Every disruptor has a non-negotiable vison.  The vision is long-term and there is unwavering focus on what wants to be realized.
  • Create Inclusive Designs – the vision holds the container that touching people/humanity/or their audience is essential.  That means opening the space for diverse energy, ideas, and people.
  • Be A Risk Taker – Be prepared to take calculated risks to achieve the goals.  That includes a willingness to embrace uncertainty or failure as learning opportunities. Activate and embrace the entrepreneurial spirit that lives within.
  • Honoring Innovation – This means opening to new ideas, technologies, business models, creative expressions.  Keeping an open mind and listening to an inner guidance must be present.
  • Question the Status Quo – Do not be afraid to challenge practices, systems, people, or industries.  Just because it hasn’t been done before doesn’t mean it can’t be done now.
  • Become An Out of The Box Thinker – Amplify creativity and approach problems with unconventional solutions.  Don’t be bound by conventional thinking patterns.
  • Be A Continuous Learner – Stay informed, study, read, do research, practice, and adapt strategies based on new information.

Steps To Soar 2024

Steps To Soar 2024As we move into the new year, here are some things I will be doing to make sure that my “inner disrupter” flourishes.  Use these if you need some ideas on how to embrace more freedom.

  1. Pick your words for the year. Words that inspire and light you up.
  2. Reflect on your habits and behaviors that are holding you back or preventing personal growth.
  3. Question assumptions that may not be valid.
  4. Set clear goals.
  5. Create a plan that is achievable. Over-committing sets us up for disappointment.
  6. Write down how you will research and learn more about your dreams.
  7. Embrace any discomfort. It is part of the process.
  8. Surround yourself with conscious/spiritual, realistic, positive, action-oriented change-makers (spiritual dreamers are lovely but often don’t achieve their goals.)
  9. Don’t just talk, act. Make sure you are committed and cannot be distracted.
  10. Experiment and see what works for you and the people that you want to touch.
  11. Make mindfulness and reflection non-negotiable.

Think about the following: Taylor Swift (how did she achieve so much by age 33): Mahatma Ghandi (how did he change a nation non-violently): Greta Thurnberg (how did she became a world-renowned climate activist as a teen).

Or make your own list of disruptors and study how they became successful.

My words for 2024 are Awe, Wonder, Courage.  I intend to look for and experience the AWE and Wonder of this life and have the courage to step out into this year with fierce fearlessness.  What will you do?  Whatever it is, I stand with you to have an incredible year.

I have complimentary weekly short meditations to support you if you need a little help.  Here is the link to sign up.

Love and Light,


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